Sunday, January 11, 2009

be the CHANGE

Of all the "Mahatma Gandhi" quotes that I am aware, the one that seems most appealing to me is the much relevant " Be the change you want to see in the world"

The quote probably assumes much more relevance and significance in the situation prevalent in the society today. With more than 50% of our population below 25, there are opinions galore,mostly critical of the state of functioning of the indian government and bureaucracy and corruption and terrorism and lackadaisical attitude and education and what not !!!!. The youth today realises that there is a need for change ,believes in the change ,But as Gandhiji captured about 5 decades back nobody wants to be the change .......
I still find educated people like us indulging in petty acts of corruption like not taking the bus tickets, not being honest with the food bills etc and these are the guys which shall ,on every act of unaccountability by the government or society will snub and vociferously raise questions about the perpetual problems in India. Is it so hard to understand that the society is made up of you and me ?? The small act might seem innocuous and be just a part of fun for you ,but it has a multiplier effect in the long run ,the same effect which you are seeing now.
The same students who raise their voices about the merit of the politicians ,enter into the merit list of the colleges by relentless and open cheating in the examinations ,all for those 5 extra marks. The problem is not the extra 5 marks that they get,the problem is their attitude because there are the people who in the next 10 years will give shape to the "Government and Society" that I talked about in the beginning and they will continue to cheat because thats the way they have come so far ........
I am not infallible or someone who has never done the things mentioned above but ya now I have realised the need to be the change . I wish this now could have come a lot earlier for me and I hope the now comes a lot earlier for a lot of people .....
I get snubbed, stamped as idealistic ,impractical and fussy but I dont stick by the ideals ,I stick by the logic and the logic says "Be the change you want to see in the world"