Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pamper yourself

Its a rat race and we all are competing .. Talk to people slogging out late nights in the office , rarely finding time for themselves and others ,life for them sucks , actually !!
A late night conversation with a friend transpired the abysmal indifference we develop towards life. Isnt death better than putting yourself through this tyranny everyday. For whom are we doing it ? he asked .. and my answer to him - Do it for yourself . Selfish .... , he said
Selfish, yeah we all should be , we all are , some concede , some hide .
It is important that you feel happy about your life , to feel that its not life who is fucking you, but you who is fucking life , the green,yellow, pink paper in your wallets is only worth paper unless you do what money is meant to do, "BUY" , buy happiness....
Happiness, can it be bought ? Without sounding too materialistic , I would like to say YES, it can be bought ..... Its stupid to think of happiness as something eternal and too big, start finding it in smaller things ... How often you felt I should have this gadget or this shoe on display or this suit ,but decided against buying it, well BUY it and you will feel the power of money for which you slog 5 days a week. Pamper yourself, that is the key to stay alive , find a motive to earn ....


Abhisek said...

partly agree!! pampering yourself is good, but at times being selfish happens at the cost of others happiness..

Working odd hours happens only for people who don't set their expectations with the job right.. you should know when to say a NO while to some its an escapade from facts which they don't want to face.. by keeping themselves busy!

Well, I cannot deny its well
thought and composed.. BE SELFISH.. BE HAPPY but you if you want to make an impression on time.. you need to look beyond the SELF..and hell ya!! life fucks everybody by the end of it.. so why not u take life for a ride :)

Souvik Gupta said...

without getting into a moral judgement... i would only say.. yes, its sometimes good to be selfish and happy.. its a good self motivator..